Memorizing Past

My students are having exams right now, facing try outs and through their day with complaining and feeling tired all the time they meet me. What I can do for them are teach them as best as I could (of course) and cheering them up.

Jadi inget dulu. Heheu.

Waktu SMA juga sama kok gurumu ini, nak. Masih inget kok capenya belajar terus terusan, ujian ga ada abisnya dll dll. Dari yang awalnya stres karena try out gada abisnya dan datang tanpa ijin, sampe akhirnya udah pasrah tiap try out. Yaudahlah ya, try out doang.
Jadi dulu tiap try out ngerjain yang sebisanya aja. Sisanya kalo dirasa gabisa langsung capcipcup. Ga liat soal. Asal buletin aja yang kira-kira enak dipandang dimana 😜
Dan hasilnya? Well, mat kimia bio inggris sama b indo sih stabil nilainya, 7 till 8 something. Kadang 9 kalo lagi rajin. Nah yang ga kalah stabil itu fisikanya. Nilai try out tertinggi saya 6. Ga pernah lebih, kurang sering.
And I never felt sorry when I saw them. In my head that time was… it’s only try out, dude. Pas real examnya baru belajar yang bener. And I did things like that until the very last time.
Sampe akhirnya jengah sendiri. Temen temen saya di SMA yang niat belajar sejak keluar dari kandungan ribut banget ngomongin nilai TO mereka. Awalnya saya ga dengerin, I never put my mind on their talks about TO. I hate reviewing things that have done, include my ex. (Eh…) kalo masih dibahas berarti masih belum selesai. (Dilanjut)
Tapi namanya mereka ngomongnya didepan saya, kedengeran deh. Kedengeran gimana nilai TO mereka naik terus terusan dari nilai TO sebelumnya. Pas saya liat di daftar nilai, iya juga deng. Kok nilai saya doang yang segitu gitu aja. Lama lama panik juga, euy.
Trus akhirnya saya mutusin buat belajar lebih giat. Shek. Jenis soal yang saya selalu lewatin saya ulang lagi sampe khatam. Sampe try out saya mulai menunjukan perbaikan. Di fisika khususnya 😍😍
Saya ulang terus pola kaya gitu dan….. voila. UN saya jauh banget diatas nilai yang saya harapkan. And I was so grateful to know it.

Sesusah susahnya masa SMA, tetep aja memorable banget. Masalah-masalahnya masih sepele banget, masih banyak temen temen yang bisa cheer me up. Masih mau ngulang lagi. My high school☺

Hmm… emang ya. Kita ga pernah puas. Bukan hanya rumput tetangga yang lebih hijau, tapi rumput yang dulu pernah kita tanam dan sudah habis masa berlakunya pun lebih hijau. Kalau masih mau back to the past, berarti kemunduran dong? We have to move on to stay alive.

Find your own happiness, no matter wherever whenever you are now.



Would you be someone’s home, if home means the place you always go back into?

Would you be someone’s home, if it means the place you always go back into after your tiring day, and there’s only your ego left in the end of the day?

Would you be someone’s home, if it means the person who has to forgive you, whatever your mistake is, as it is your truly home?

Would you be someone’s home, if it means the place that always accepts you no matter how bad is the smell of your breath in the morning?

Would you be someone’s home, if it means the place that knows you to the tiny details and never asks you to change?

Would you be someone’s home, if it means the place you always go back into after busy playing with others and don’t have any gossip to talk no more with them? So you come home?

Would you be someone’s home, if it means the place that always stays in its place. Loyal, and never cheats?

Would you be someone’s home, if it means the place that sometime be the most boring place for the people who live in it, and they always find another destination to refresh their minds?

Would you be someone’s home, if it means the place that knows your biggest mistake but does nothing except accepting you, again?

Because being someone’s home isn’t only about being his/her soulmate. It is also about the value of sacrifice and loyalty to someone you love the most.

So, think again.

If there’s someone who asks you, would you be my home?

Would you?


Strong Girls’ Rules

These are for all the girls who want to be a strong Lady. And yeah, these are for me too.

First of all. Don’t blame others.

1. “I hate him, why he hurt me this much??”
He hurt you only because YOU let him move to your life.

Because all things those happen in your life are decided by yourself. The only one to be blamed is you.

And next.
Depends no one but yourself.

2. “I can’t go to there, I’m afraid. I don’t know the route. I must find someone who knows and wants to help me.”
There are some possibilities.
A. You find someone who wants to help you but he helps you with ways below your standard and you feel disappointed and start to blame other (again).
B. You find no one. So you feel like you’re all  alone and you loose your willing to do it by yourself.
C. You find someone and he helps you like you exactly want him to do and you feel like hanging on him all the time. And he will start to disappoint you because there’s no one who can stand by your side as long as you want.
You just can’t depend on others. You. Just. Can’t. Just depend on yourself and you will find your happiness in you.

Your life is under your control. Why you let it away? Why you let yourself ruin your own life?

All is in your hands, girls.

Cheer yourself up. Because no one can but you.